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Cyber ​​security training

It is no longer enough to rely on technology alone to protect against cyber threats. Employees and users of information and communication technologies are the key in preventing and responding to various forms of cyber-attacks.

Ensure that your employees aid your company’s cybersecurity posture with Remediata’s training programs. Cyber security training helps prevent possible financial and reputational losses.

During the training, participants will learn to identify non-standard situations and minimise possible losses. Gaining new knowledge and practical tips that they will use in practice during real cyber-attacks.

Our certificates

Cyber security training goals

Cyber security training has three main goals.

The first goal is to contribute to safety in the use of information technology. We want your employees to be able to prevent the risk of losing or misusing sensitive data, paralysing the operation of your organisation and also the loss of the trust of your clients.

The second goal is to enable employers to fulfil the legal obligation to raise employees’ awareness and familiarise them with the basics of cyber security in a simple and effective way.

The third goal is to teach employees to behave safely in today’s digital world and reduce the risk and possible impact of cyber-attacks on the organisation. After training, employees will be able to identify not only forms of social engineering, but also eliminate incorrect and dangerous habits in software development or overall infrastructure management.

Trainings offered

Trainings are offered both face-to-face and online.

Basics of cyber security and working with technologies

Secure web application development

Secure mobile application development

Secure complex software development

Other types of training based on your individual requirements can be provided upon request.

Contact us

Our solutions help prevent unexpected and often significant financial losses caused by security threats. Protect your reputation and the confidential data of your employees and clients. Contact us. We’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

Contact us

Are you interested in a consultation? Do not hesitate to contact us. Let us arrange a meeting and together we will propose a tailor-made solution.

    Why choose us?


    Your trust is the ultimate goal for us. We have a sincere interest in finding all the vulnerabilities and weaknesses of your security system.


    We have many years of international experience in the field of information technologies and cyber security.


    Our company constantly research the needs and requirements of the market and innovate our services. Our partners appreciate effectiveness and quality of deliverables.


    Our services are available for everyone who is looking for a reliable business partner for a long-term and stable cooperation.

    Reservation of our services

    Increase your cyber security. Book our services today.

    Our partners

    Our services are offered with an emphasis on quality and trust. We rely on stable business relations and long-term cooperation. We are constantly expanding our partner network and building new partnerships throughout the European region.

    Join successful and innovative companies that value both a comprehensive and personal approach in securing sensitive data of employees and customers.

    Other services

    Ako dlho trvá penetračné testovanie?

    Penetračné testovanie najčastejšie trvá tri až desať dní. V prípade, že sa jedná o väčší a komplexnejší projekt, rozsah testovacích dní je väčší.

    Čo všetko od nás potrebujete na naplánovanie penetračného testovania?

    Pre naplánovanie penetračného testu si potrebujeme dohodnúť konzultáciu, na ktorej si zadefinujeme typ a rozsah testu, plán priebehu, komunikačný scenár a špecifické požiadavky. Preberieme tiež technické detaily, ako sú testovacie parametre a prípadné obmedzenia.

    Koľko stojí penetračné testovanie?

    Cena penetračného testu sa vždy odvíja od rozsahu a zložitosti konkrétneho projektu.

    Ako sa máme pripraviť na penetračné testovanie?

    V Remediate sa vždy snažíme naplánovať penetračné testy čo najefektívnejšie. Vaša spokojnosť je pre nás na prvom mieste.